The Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE), founded in 1953, is the largest public university in the field of economics and business in the Czech Republic. VŠE has six faculties offering applicants a broad spectrum of bachelor, master, PhD and MBA study programmes. Five faculties are located in the center of Prague – the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics and the Faculty of Economics. The Faculty of Management is located in the town of Jindřichův Hradec. Studies at VŠE meet the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Currently, there are about 14,000 students at VŠE. VŠE offers bachelor’s degree study programmes in Czech, English, and Russian; master’s degree study programmes are offered in Czech and English


  • Co-Leader of WP 1 (Setting and integrate the scene (conceptual and methodological background)
  • Leader of task 1.5 (Case studies’ context analysis) of WP 1
  • Leader of task 1.7 (Methodological Workshop) of WP 1
  • VSE will be also involved in WP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7