Work packages

REMAKING will benefit from the implementation of eight interrelated Work Packages that, working together and with a clear goal, will achieve all of the purposes set at the core of the REMAKING project.

WP 1 will provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the theoretical and conceptual contributions up to date on the factors and processes triggering the diffusion of remote working arrangements. A focus on the role of megatrends and of recent disruptive shocks will be realized.

It will also appraise the diffusion of remote working across sectors, places, gender, professions, and age groups based on available databases. REMAKING will develop three scenarios for future evolution of flexible work as well as provide quantitative medium-long term (10 years) forecasts regarding likely prevalence of remote working by country, occupation, gender, economic sector, age groups, etc.


WP 2 aims to frame the theoretical and empirical relations between remote working arrangements, work-life balance, wellbeing, and productivity. To achieve this different remote working arrangements will be reconstructed across the four case studies affecting individuals’ work-life balance, wellbeing, and behaviours, including uncovering potential work-family-social network conflicts, health issues, safety, isolation, or gender issues.

It will also identify main similar or diverging resilience constructions across types of remote workers and determinants affecting remote workers’ quality and value of work and working conditions, productivity and factors associated more broadly with remote workers’ capacity for intertwining everyday living and working practices.


WP 3 sets its goal in framing the theoretical and empirical relations linking remote working to the rise of novel business models, workers’ skills upgrading and knowledge transfer and circulation. 

Another objective will be to understand the relationship between current changes in models of business organization and the increasing diffusion of remote working across the four case studies, and appraising how the composition of skills and knowledge flows within the areas under analysis might have changed by remote working.

It will also explore the ways in which remote workers engage in local business networks, and whether these interactions contribute to co-creation processes, skills’ upgrading and knowledge sharing locally. In this view, the project will also address the ways and the extent in which different modalities of remote working contribute to the emergence of novel innovative economic activities (i.e., the rise of start-ups) in new technological domains and high-tech/ creative sectors, enhancing the local innovative ecosystem.


WP 4 aims to appraise potential changes in labour market trends induced by the uptake of different modalities of remote working and their effects on local labour employment conditions through the onset of remote workers. It will also analyse the impacts of relocated workers on the socio-economic structure of local host populations, as well as in the local demography. Another analysis will include the patterns of economic, cultural and institutional “creative restructure” potentially induced

by the new local demographics. Both the influx of remote workers and the local adoption of telework are expected to stir the local structures of supply and demand.

WP4 will assess potential changes in commuting practices, mobility patterns and demand for mobility services emerging from the increase of remote working in the areas under analysis. REMAKING will also assess the implications for the supply of collective mobility services and the potential environmental gains.


WP 5 will facilitate policymakers’ understanding of how remote working is reshaping the socio-economic fabric of second tier cities, and rural areas due to the combined effects of megatrends and shocks.

Another objective will be making policymakers aware of the potential rise of new inequalities associated with the proliferation of remote working practices across different population segments. The latter might exacerbate existing disparities among individuals and across territories more broadly, thus ultimately undermining a balanced spatial economic development and equal access to rights and opportunities by the communities.

It will help engaging policy makers and stakeholders in joint endeavours to face remote working challenges.



WP 6 aims to ensure effective internal and external communication and knowledge transfer, by setting up, updating and feeding the channels and tools needed for that, together with an active and regular communication among partners.

It will also promote the project and ensure its visibility. The aim is to bring the project to the fields where audiences interested in the effects of remote working are, to engage them and stimulate their interest in knowing the main effects and implications in all the areas that will be studied.

Alongside these objectives public awareness will be raised about the negative effects and/or risks of remote working, together with promoting and boosting interest and recognition of the positive effects of it, not only in workers’ living and working conditions, but also in the changes on business organization remote working has caused as well as the economic and social effects it has.

Another objective will be to spread and disseminate the knowledge generated and the results obtained among scholars, policymakers, and other specialised stakeholders.



WP 7 sets its goal on coordinating and supervising the project research and innovation activities to be carried out according to the work plan, also by monitoring and ensuring quality and timing of project deliverables.

It will also carry out the overall administrative and financial management and reporting of the project; manage contacts with the EU Commission and establish effective internal and external communication; resolve possible conflicts and manage the IPR related to the achieved results.



WP 8´s objective will be to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.